Wedding Day Self Care

While you’re working on building your timeline for your wedding day, it can feel very overwhelming! There are so many things to consider. When working on timelines with my clients, I am always encouraging them to remember to build in time for some self-care throughout the day. Here are a few of my favorite ways to do this!

So you’ve got an amazing dinner planned for you and all of your guests - but what about lunch? Or even breakfast? With so many things to remember on your wedding day and the excitement of it all it can be easy to forget. Build these things into your timeline! Start the day off right with a good breakfast and make sure there’s a plan for lunch. Ordering boxed lunches or putting a member of the wedding party in charge of ordering takeout can be easy solutions to make sure you and everyone else getting ready for the party are fed!

Drink lots of water. Designate someone in your wedding party to remind you if you need to! It’s so important to stay hydrated especially if you’re going to be drinking alcohol. 

Take your time. A lot happens in a very short period of time on a wedding day. Plan for a 10 minute break for you and your partner to just sit and enjoy each other’s company after the ceremony, before you join your guests. You just did the thing! Take a moment together, breath deep, and let it sink in! Don’t be afraid to take a beat and step away for a moment if things start to feel like too much.

Once you make it into the reception and sit down for dinner - be sure to eat. It’s easy to get pulled many different ways by guests and everything going on but you gotta eat! See if your planner and catering team can coordinate having plates ready at your seats for you so that you’re ready to go and get back to enjoying everyone’s company.

Hopefully these are a few helpful reminders for a successful wedding day that will help you stay grounded and feeling your best through all of the excitement of the big day! I’d love to hear about any other ideas you have and help you build them into your timeline. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


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